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Looking to the future

Daniel Novotny
Looking to the Future

We have acquired a piece of land 30 kilometers out of Lilongwe, we have the idea to create a perma-garden to get the street kids of the street and into fulfilling permaculture internships, learning and growing together. Theland would also serve as a rehabilitation centre to keep them away from drugs and alcohol.

We are looking forward to put them in an environment where they can encounter their true-selfs, and have beautiful heart transformations.

We want to create a garden with the piece of land where they can work and learn. We want to put them in a different environment and take them step by step off the street. A slow preparation for a new start.

•        Long-term and sustainable construction of a homestead without the risk of sudden eviction.

•        Building up of an efficient kitchen to continuously prepare healthy and warm meals

•        Enough space for activities and participation of all children in the program

•        Safe sleeping places for the children

•        Self-cultivation of vegetables in the sense of self-sufficiency

Daniel Novotny
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